Well, hello there 2021! I don’t know about you, but I love a fresh calendar year!
It’s such a good time to consider your habits, your goals, and begin to put things in motion that create some momentum towards your growth. A lot of people begin to look at their outward appearance, or their organizational habits during this time, but one of the most important areas to consider is the plan to spend time with Jesus in His Word.
You may be thinking, “I forgot to find a Bible Reading Plan”! Or you may be thinking, “No bible reading plan is how I would want to read the bible. I wish I could design my own”. Well, girlsminister.com has you covered.
1. Go Amy-Jo’s 2021 Bible Reading Plan Link to use the reading plan I made for the people in my life. It’s a bible reading generator plan that is pretty cool. Kudos to John Dyer for making this amazing bible reading plan generator tool!
2. Go here to use John Dyer‘s Bible Reading Plan Generator to make your plan your way.
3. You can create your own and then use my template to post in your social media channels the monthly reading challenge. Click to get the Bible Reading Plan Template
4. Lastly, just grab the one I am making every month! January 2021 Girlsminister.com Reading Plan I did mark one day in gold because that’s my birthday ;)! I made it so that it is monday-friday with a mix of Old Testament and New Testament chronologically and psalms. It’s how I like to do my reading plans.
Hope your 2021 is off to a great start! Email me or follow me on instagram and message me if you need to get in touch.
@amyjogirardier is my insta and my twitter.