HOMEWORK MONDAY: What Infrastructure Are You Building For the Girls In Your Ministry?

I was on vacation this week and didn’t get to post homework for homework thursday but I have some for you to do…watch this video and then prayerfully begin thinking through what biblical foundational truths you are giving to your girls or daughters on a regular basis? Are you allowing them to pick and choose topics that blow with the wind or are you providing a systematic spiritual nutrition much like the food pyramid?

Girls Minister Takes Girls Ministry On the Road Webisode: Episode 2


GIRLS MINISTER ON THE ROAD: Episode 2 from Amy Jo Girardier on Vimeo.

Just an everyday ordinary girls minister who used a gorilla pod to hold a flip cam in her car to record her thoughts and sometimes guest interviews who happen to ride with her.  Don’t worry—it’s a short ride, but maybe just maybe you’ll get a snapshot of what girls ministry is about.