This week I began a Social Media conversation called #myeasterstory2013. I used this on my primary social media accounts: Twitter/Instagram/Facebook and used each day of Holy week as an opportunity to help others either reflect or discover the meaning behind Easter. I had some great opportunities to chat with people on facebook and also in real time as a result of coupling art depictions of Holy Week, alongside of Scripture, and personal ah ha moments I’ve had. I am going to post them all here, and hope that they can continue to be utilized as you reflect on Good Friday. It’s the best story you can tell, I hope you choose to tell it somehow/someway as you live your days.
- #myeasterstory2013 instagram beginning
- Holy Week Day 1
- Holy Week Day 2
- Holy Week Day 3
- Holy Week Day 4
- Holy Week Day 5
- Holy Week Day 6
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.